Fr. Sean Kilcawley

Instructor, Moral Theology in Modern Media

  • S.T.L (John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family in Rome)

Fr. Sean Kilcawley is a nationally recognized speaker on Theology of the Body, Human Love and pornography addiction. Fr. Kilcawley is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. After serving three years of active duty as an infantry officer, he entered seminary formation for the Diocese of Lincoln and was ordained to the priesthood in 2005. In 2013, Fr. Kilcawley completed a License in Sacred Theology at the John Paul II institute for marriage and family studies in Rome, and in 2019, he completed certification as a Pastoral Sexual Addiction Practitioner from the International Institute for Trauma and addictions professionals. Fr. Kilcawley has provided continuing education formation in over 40 dioceses and has served as a faculty member for the Institute for Priestly Formation summer program for seminarians and the Sexual Addiction Treatment Professional (SATP) certification program at MidAmerica Nazarene University. He now serves as the pastor of St. Leo and St. Martin Parishes.

  • Module 8: The Way of Affective Maturity and Practical Chastity

    This module reviews specific challenges present in the entertainment industry and offers life skills for dealing with them. The unit suggests apps and other resources that promote balanced participation in social media, protect against pornography, and support Catholic spirituality. By discussing practices such as periodic “media” fasts and other helpful suggestions, seminary applicants will discern ways to become wise media consumers and good witnesses to the faith.